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communication empathique
danse thérapie
danse mouvement thérapie
poetry workshop
communication non violente
développement personnel

Luciana is an incredible therapist. She is extremely professional and attentive to all of your needs. She is intelligent and has years of experience which is evident in the way she teaches and interacts with her patients. She is kind and genuinely cares about helping you achieve your personal and professional goals. I have overcome hardships I did not think were possible to overcome. I have been to many therapists over the years and have always felt unsatisfied, like it was a waste of my time, money and emotional energy. Doing therapy with Luciana is the first time I feel fully heard and I can actually see the positive changes happening in my life. If you come with an open mind, you will be amazed at the changes you see. I didn't know what to expect with dance therapy, and now I can't imagine my week without it.

—  Sarah, 25, northamerican, gender specialist

clients' words

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